Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mock Mashed Potatoes

So, discovering the new pinterest which I am sure you have all heard about by now, I am finding so many new interesting things to do and try.  Thanks to all of the fellow P's out there, it has been great.  So today I decided to try a couple of new things I have found on there and this is the first.  Where I am looking for low carb recipes, this one looked interesting.  So here goes.

1 head of cauliflower
1 tbsp cream cheese (I used light)
1/4 c grated parmesan cheese (I found an alternative at believe it or not the Dollarama, and it was good!)
1/2 tsp of minced garlic
1/2 tsp salt
dash of pepper
chives for garnish

Wash & cut cauliflower into small pieces.  Boil in pot of water for 10-15 minutes.  Drain & dry on paper towels.  Immediately place in food processor or blender.  You do not want the cauliflower to cool.  Puree cauliflower with cream cheese, parmesan cheese, garlic, s&p.  Sprinkle on top with chives and a few dashes of pepper.  Serve.

The ingredients are so simple.

After you cook you cauliflower, just throw everything in your processor.

I was surprised at how smooth it turned out!

And they do look just like mashed potatoes, and doesn't taste of cauliflower either.  A winner.

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