Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bathroom Cleaner

Okay the third thing I tried today.  I know, I know, why all in one day, and on V-Day, I have other things to do.  But I was excited to try these things.  So when I seen a natural way to clean my shower wall and decided where I work in chemicals all week this would be a nice change.  So the two simple ingredients were vinegar and "blue dawn" dish detergent.  They say to use the blue one for some reason.  I found mine at the dollarama, how lucky is that.  And the vinegar also, so it was a total of $2.  So you are suspose to heat the vinegar (I heated mine in the microwave for 1 minute)  So I only wanted enough to spray it once and have no leftover because the vinegar has to be warm I decided myself to use 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup of dawn.  Put in a spray bottle.  Spray the shower down good, I decided to spray the bathtub and bathmat also, why not.  So they say to wait overnight.  I don't have that kind of time so I let it sit for like 4 hours, then I just started rinsing, you would think there would be so many suds, but there wasn't.  The bathmat tends to get a little black underneath and that washed right off and the bathtub sparkled like a new one!  I would recommend this for sure.  The wall wiped clean without over scrubbing or anything.  I like this and will use it again.  Thumbs up.

All you need and find a spray bottle.

After.  I should have showed you before but nuh, haha

Nice and clean now.

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