Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cauliflower Poppers

Tonight instead of having fries with my homemade burger I am having baked cauliflower instead.  This is what you need.  Take as much cauliflower you plan to use, break it in pieces (I find keeping them in good size bite pieces is best), rinse, put in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, s & p.  Arrange on a baking sheet lined with tin foil or parchment.  Cook in 375 oven for an hour, stirring 3 times during cooking.  Make sure they are nice and brown.  Put on a plate and eat with ketcup.  Healthy and yummy.

It doesn't take much cauliflower to add up.

You can see if the pieces are too little they tend to burn, so keep them a good size.  I took them out 15 minutes early but they could have used a few minutes more.

You don't even miss french fries, these are just yummy.  And as I have been seeing on a lot of blogs, they are easy peasy!  Enjoy.

Homemade Burgers

Tonight is burger night in my house.  Well any night could be burger night because I am not fussy and love burgers.  You say why blog a burger?  Well doesn't anyone want someone elses ideas that they may not have thought of themselves.  So here is my burger secret.

First I start with a package of lean hamburger, grated onion, s & p, and of course the secret ingredient "worcestershire sauce", that's right, add this to any beef dish and you have a hit.  You can also grate a little garlic if you like.

Fry away, the worcestershire adds a little liquid in the pan, which makes it better.

When 180 degrees is reached, you have a burger just right for the eating.  Cook any longer they will start to go tough.

I finished it off with a nice big bun, fat free cheese, some condiments, I use ketchup, dijon mustard, a little relish, a big pickle.  Happy eating everyone!