Friday, August 5, 2011

Our 30th Wedding Anniversary

I am writing my anniversary story early, it is on Sunday August 7th.  We were married in 1981, babies we were, just babies, haha.  Who says it can't last.  We actually didn't know each other very long before we decided to get married.  I wasn't happy with my life and asked God to help me and I met Peter, I would say he saved my life, because up until that point, I really didn't care if I had one. (Not many people know that).  I was the one who approached Peter about marriage, and him being him, just agrees, so it snowballed from there.  I needed someone strong beside me, where I was weak and he has held me up and we moved forward together.  He is my best friend and always will be.  It is even funny how we began, my cousin had a couple of dates with him (he played on the tug-of-war team with my brother-in-law), she said one day she really didn't want to date him, so I said "Well if you don't want him, I do," Good lord, hahahaha.  Just like when we got engaged, I said "Auh hell, lets get married", what is he getting himself into, lol.  I am spontaneous like that, and it has worked for the best. Of course we have had our up and downs, but nothing we didn't work through together.  And the older we get the easier it gets, so stick it out people, it is great when you get to this place.  It wasn't long after we got married, lets say 6 months, I said I was ready to start a family.  No time to waste, so we had our first daughter, Jennifer in 1982, then Kim in 87 and Tyler in 91.  They have made our life complete.  Now we have two beautiful grandsons by Jen, who add even more joy to our lives.  We have always gone somewhere on our Anniversary, so this year we took a roadtrip to the states and drove down as far as Massachusetts to visit family, had a great time.  We have seen alot of changes in our 30 years.  Peter is lucky to have worked for the same company for 29 of those thirty, now he had to retire, but is not giving up on work, too young.  He also has lost one of his sisters and father over these years.  I have had to deal with 2 brothers passing and my dad also, but we were there for each other.  We still live in the same place, with lots of improvements of course, I was determined to let my children have a place to call home and not to move as much as I did.  We are very close to our children and grandchildren and can't wait to see where life takes them, hopefully not far (away from us, I mean)  Anyway can't wait to see what the next 30 will hold for us, just can't wait.
My dad got to walk me down the isle, we lost him a yr later.

For today is the day I marry my best friend.  Peter was only 20 and I 21, babies I say.

He looks happier now it is over.

30 years later, wow, we have come a long way.

At least I have more hair then he does now.

Our beautiful family.

Our first grandchild.

Our second, and hopefully not our last.  I have more grammie love to give.

This is our engagement picture, for the life of me can't get it turned.

We did not know each other in school, but am sure we crossed paths at some point.  Hope you enjoyed, I have enjoyed  putting it together, if i had more time I could have did a better job, but I will probably off doing something else.


  1. Happy Anniversary Nancy! And wishing you 30 more! Have a wonderful weekend! Angie xo

  2. happy 30th anniversary!!!! quite the you guys are the best:)xo


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