Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homemade Burgers

Tonight is burger night in my house.  Well any night could be burger night because I am not fussy and love burgers.  You say why blog a burger?  Well doesn't anyone want someone elses ideas that they may not have thought of themselves.  So here is my burger secret.

First I start with a package of lean hamburger, grated onion, s & p, and of course the secret ingredient "worcestershire sauce", that's right, add this to any beef dish and you have a hit.  You can also grate a little garlic if you like.

Fry away, the worcestershire adds a little liquid in the pan, which makes it better.

When 180 degrees is reached, you have a burger just right for the eating.  Cook any longer they will start to go tough.

I finished it off with a nice big bun, fat free cheese, some condiments, I use ketchup, dijon mustard, a little relish, a big pickle.  Happy eating everyone!

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