Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Journey of the Heart

It was 28 years ago that we had to say goodbye to my father from heart disease.  The hardest part was that only 6 months before we buried my 19 yr old brother.  It was one of the roughest years.  My father had his first heart attack around 50, no warning.  And that is the age I am now.  Women need to be aware of signs and sytems of heart problems, which are very different then a mans.  I have been having funny feelings in my neck since last winter, when I would use my treadmill my neck would tighten up.  So I just stopped using my treadmill.  Then I started to have out of breath spells when I climb stairs or hills.  No chest pain, no arm pain. So I finally decided to see my doc about this.  She sent me to a heart specialist and since Monday my world has changed.  It went from stress test,which didn't go well.  He is now sending me for a dye test to see what may be going on.  He says a woman my age shouldn't have had a test like that.  I was floored.  I went kinda numb.  It is just like you always knew it was going to happen, but didn't know when.  I go in Nov for the test and can only hope for good results.  They can do so much more today than 28 yrs ago, where there were very few options.  I made a video of my favorite people in my life, that would be my family.  Wanted to blog it. 

1 comment:

  1. Had my dye test. Everything turned out fine. It is comman to get a false positive result on a stress test and go on to have good results on your dye test. This has been the longest month of my life and I am physically and mentally drained. Women my age and hormones play a big role in how we feel. Time to press forward and take my life off of pause and put it in play again.


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