Saturday, November 19, 2011

November is for Remembering

Even though I am fine talking about things, November is the month my families lives changed forever.  I know I have talked about my brother before, but November is for remembering.  If there is someone out there thinking about suicide, maybe they should just take a minute and think it through.  I have seen a lot of shows lately on the subject, and how it impacts a family.  I know when you are depressed, your family is the last ones you can or want to think about.  I honestly think if someone is going to do something life changing, they will keep it to themselves.  I watched Anderson Cooper and his mom is Gloria Vanderbilt and his brother ended his life by suicide, that is how they like to refer it as.  They are still dealing with it, and it is sad.  Do you think the person who does this, thinks it through?  Or are they so caught up in there own reality that they can't think of anyone else.  I lost my brother by suicide, he was 19.  Great guy, loved life and took his own life, and mine will never be the same.  So is it okay?  I say no, not because I went through it, but there is help.  Find someone to talk to and if you don't have anyone, well the internet has become so popular that there are help sites everywhere.  I walked in the suicide walk that was here one year, it was nice.  But haven't heard of one since.  It is happening everyday, someone, somewhere, is feeling helpless and hopeless.  But if they only knew, someone loves them, somewhere, life is worth living, and everyone deserves a chance no matter how hard it may seem.  Anyway, there are alot of happy blogs out there but I see things for what they are, and sometimes they aren't so happy.  My brother Kevin Pineo took his life by suicide on my moms birthday, Nov 26th, 1981, may you rest in peace because I am pretty sure if you were thinking that day you would have never have made the decision you did. Your family loved you then and will love you forever. xoxo

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