Saturday, April 30, 2011

Junk Finds

We are from a University town, and when they leave in April, they just throw everything out (most).  It is unreal what the students leave behind.  It has become an annual thing now in Wolfville.  Spring cleanup is at the same time and the annual Dump and Run is also at the same time.  Alot of the students donate their stuff to that.  So if I happen to see something I can't live without, haha, I will get the nerve to stop.  As embarrassing as it is, it is also fun.  If the Junk Brothers can do it why can't I!  I will show you one of my finds, which is a different looking table, looks old to me.  I don't think it is from a student, can't be sure.  The whole town joins in.  I also found a yellow pair of rubber boots with blue whales on them!  I am excited about that haha. 

Now isn't that worth the shame, haha.

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